Shed the Shame with Jenny Whitens

The Comfort of Misery: Why We Choose to Stay Stuck and Miserable and How to Prioritize Happiness NOW

Jenny Whitens Episode 103

It’s been programmed into us from older generations that life has to be all work, and little or no play until we’re 65 and retired, and too old to do the things we wanted to when we were younger. We’ve been programmed to think that we have to choose one thing and one thing only, even if that thing makes us miserable! If we’re miserable, we’re supposed to push through it until we essentially can’t anymore…and then we see our health declining and our emotional well being deteriorating, and we get sick mentally and physically. Well today, Jenny tells us that generational curse is breakable, and that it’s OKAY to break through that curse. It’s time to do what’s BEST FOR YOU.

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