Shed the Shame with Jenny Whitens

Ditch The Guilt, Embrace Your Dreams: Q’s To Help You Escape Expectations & Take Action For True Happiness

Jenny Whitens Episode 107

There's a pretty standard list of boxes that society pushes us to check off in order to look like we're passing as happy and successful; you have a job, you have a family, you have a house...ta da! You're happy and successful, right? ...Maybe not quite. While those things are great to have, so many of us want more - we KNOW there is more out there for us! Some of us want to check things off our bucket list, some of us want to pursue our hobbies or passions and build them into careers. But we're told that it's selfish to want more for ourselves. "Isn't your home, your family, your current job enough?". Here's a hint: it's OKAY to say NO to that. But it's also okay to say YES and still want more! Life happens quick - so why not make the most out of it? Well, in today's spoken journey, Jenny is here to guide you into the direction away from guilt and into the power of embracing your dreams, while still balancing and building a happy life for yourself and your family. 

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