Shed the Shame with Jenny Whitens

Let Go Of Your Fears and Let Them INSPIRE You to Achieve Your Goals and Dreams!

Jenny Whitens Episode 109

Fears are important to pay attention to, and equally important to sooth. What's a little more difficult yet equally rewarding is being able to let go or overcome those fears and allowing them to inspire you - allowing them to get you excited  for the road ahead of you to reaching your goals and dreams! Any step towards this - no matter how big or small - is still a successful step. In this episode, Jenny walks us through her recent trip to Scotland and how she worked herself through some of the fears that came up for the trip one microstep at a time…which made space for her to be fully present and open to the magic that was there for her and her husband to explore. Utilize her tips on how to use fear to fuel your passions and soon you'll be on your way to a whole new world you never thought possible before!

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